If you feel like you are doing it all, but still feeling unsatisfied with your body.
It’s time to look deeper.
When I was caught up with a poor relationship with diet and my body image, I never once thought “oh maybe this routine and way of doing things isn’t actually right for me and my body”.
The narrative was that I must need to do more, push myself harder, eat less, try a different diet and before things would start to change. For a few weeks I would put my all into doing things differently with the hope that I would start to feel better about my body, that the way my body looked would start to change and I would feel satisfied with all of the work that I had done, but this never happened.
I would feel more disheartened and less happy with myself.
If I did start to notice a change with my weight I would want to do more, to push myself a bit further or start adding extra things on - an extra work out, cut out another food, try to keep this up over the weekend rather than giving myself a break. Satisfaction never came.
And that’s what diet culture wants for you. So that you to believe that you aren’t ever doing enough, so that you keep looking for the next trend, keep punishing your body for not being right compared to everyone else’s, not being or doing enough to keep up.
There are other ways to support your mind and your body, they require you to slow down and look a bit deeper, ask yourself:
1. are you being kind to yourself?
2. what are your stress levels like?
3. are you doing things that you actually enjoy?
4. are you nourishing your body with enough food and the right nutrients?
5. are you getting enough quality sleep and allowing yourself time to rest?
Let me know what answers you come to you.
If you are struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating patterns there is help available:
The Butterfly Foundation: https://butterfly.org.au/