Signs that you might not be eating enough protein.
How to know if you’re not getting enough protein in your diet and strategies to increase your protein intake.
Metabolic changes in menopause you need to know about if you’re concerned with weight gain.
Oestrogen is protective of cardiovascular health, bone density and brain function therefore it is important to put in place protective mechanisms through diet and lifestyle modifications during menopause to support overall health.
Supporting your liver in the long run, without a detox diet or juice cleanse in sight.
Everything we consume, apply and breathe in has to be absorbed, metabolised, detoxified and eventually excreted from our bodies. The liver has a massive role in detoxification and is one of the three major organs involved in the bodies detoxification process. Read on to find out how you can support your liver and overall health without having to follow a detox diet or juice cleanse.
A holistic approach to weight loss.
Have you been told that you need to loose weight or are you in a constant tug of war with dieting and weight loss? Weight loss isn’t simple or the same for everyone, an individual and holistic approach is required to ensure that changes made are long lasting and sustainable so that you can feel good in the body that you are in.
If you are experiencing bloating regularly, try these 4 things before eliminating foods.
Bloating can be a daily annoyance for a lot of us, commonly I see people eliminating foods from their diets without first investigating the true cause of bloating and understanding what other factors could be contributing to daily bloating. Before you begin to eliminate foods from your diet try these 4 tips, you may find that your bloating resolves without any further intervention.
Food & your mood.
Evidence shows that there is a bidirectional relationship between food choices and mood disorders including anxiety and depression. Diets that are high in antioxidants, plant foods, omega-3 fatty acids and good quality protein sources are protective against the development of mood disorders, whereas, diets lacking in these components are commonly associated with higher levels of inflammation, nutrient deficiencies and poor gut health which contribute to the development of mood disorders.
Gut loving breakfast crumble.
Try this gut loving breakfast crumble recipe which uses ingredients such as oats, stewed apple and berries to support gut health.
Hypothalamic amenorrhoea is probably the reason your period has gone missing.
Hypothalamic amenorrhoea (HA) or loosing your period sounds harmless enough, convenient even. Although commonly seen in female athletes, HA can pop up during times of increased stress, reduced energy intake, weight loss and along side intense exercise regimes. HA can occur with or without a the presence of an eating disorder. Read on to find out why it’s important to address HA to support your overall health and wellbeing.
The low down on the oral contraceptive pill and your health.
As a conventional medication the OCP serves it's purpose as an option for birth control, however, historically it has been over prescribed to females during their teenage years often times without full disclosure of the side effects of long term use and the impact that it has on female hormones and overall health. Read on for the low down on the OCP.
A nutrient dense biscuit recipe.
Your new favourite biscuit recipe, it's super nutrient dense which makes it a great option for during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as an afternoon pick-me-up or a pre workout snack.
Ginger & Tamari salad with crumbed Snapper
This recipe is a new favourite of mine as the weather gets warmer. It’s super satisfying and packed full of a diverse range of veggies to feed your gut microbiome, antioxidants to reduce inflammation and protein to support your hunger hormones to keep you feeling satisfied after eating.
10 tips for nurturing a positive relationship with food during the silly season
The silly season can be a lot if you struggle with your relationship with food. Here are 10 tips to help you to move through the silly season so that you are able to enjoy food, connect, experience joy and feel present.
Eating for gut health to support your immune system in the lead up to winter.
The gut microbiome and immune system are one in the same. Therefore, if we want to support our immune system during the lead up to winter we have to start with gut health.
A tasty Kale & Broccoli salad.
Easy Kale and Broccoli salad for those wanting to increase their vegetable intake without compromising on taste.
Roast vegetable and tahini bowl.
Roast vegetable and tahini bowl is an easy vegetarian dinner option, great as a meat free monday recipe option. This recipe makes for a quick, healthy and nutritious meal for any night of the week.