Supporting your liver in the long run, without a detox diet or juice cleanse in sight.
Everything we consume, apply and breathe in has to be absorbed, metabolised, detoxified and eventually excreted from our bodies. The liver has a massive role in detoxification and is one of the three major organs involved in the bodies detoxification process.
Our liver takes a hit on daily basis and whether it’s due to over consumption of refined sugar, saturated fats, alcohol, prescription drugs such as the OCP, roaccutane or over the counter medications like pain killers and even the beauty products that we apply to our skin can impact the load on our liver.
Signs that your liver needs some support
brain fog
low appetite
low energy
weight gain
mood swings
irregular periods
heavy periods
painful periods
pre-menstrual syndrome
elevated liver enzymes
raised cholesterol levels
allergies and food intolerances
skin conditions - including acne, eczema, psoriasis
What does the liver do?
bile salt synthesis
lipid metabolism
protein metabolism
carbohydrate metabolism
detoxification of chemicals through phase I and phase II reactions
break down of red blood cells, white blood cells and bacteria
conversation of vitamins and minerals to their active forms including carotene, folate and vitamin D
As you can see detoxification is not the only role of the liver, therefore when liver function is impaired it has a knock on effect on other systems in the body including; gut health, nutrient processing and storage, immune system function and nutrient availability.
Ways that you can support your liver
1.Minimise exposure to chemicals/toxins i.e. perfume, plastics, harsh cleaning products’, alcohol, drugs (prescription & recreational).
2. Drink enough water – needed to support digestion and the regular elimination of toxins through the digestive system and kidneys. Your stool and urine carry a whole lot of toxins out of the body.
3. Eat organic foods where possible, when not possible ensure that you are washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. Become familiar with the ‘Dirty dozen’ and ‘clean 15’ this will help you to prioritise which foods you choose to buy organic if you’re working with a budget
4. SLEEP – our body does the majority of it’s detoxification when sleeping, this is why getting adequate and good quality sleep is so important for all things that add up to good health.
5. Minimise stress – catecholamines and cortisol produced during stressful situations interfere with liver metabolism of fatty acids, affect hormone homeostasis and impact insulin and blood sugar regulation. Stress also increases the likelihood of unhealthy diet & lifestyle habits that increase the load on your liver.
6. Eat a balanced diet to ensure that nutrient co-factors required for detoxification pathways are available – important nutrients include protein, B vitamins, flavonoids, glutathione, Selenium, Zinc, vitamin C, essential fatty acids.
7. You're sweet enough - be mindful of excess sugar intake especially from processed and refined foods.
Supporting your liver with food
Bitter vegetables
dandelion greens
bitter melon
Brassica vegetables
brussel’s sprouts
Limonene containing foods
citrus fruits
nuts and seeds
legumes and beans
Your body has all that it needs to detoxify naturally, ensuring that you are eating a diverse and balanced diet, staying sufficiently hydrated and getting enough sleep your body has the rest covered. Detox diets and juicing protocols are only ever okay in the very very short term (even then i’m still not a fan) and while in the short term you may feel more energised and see a reduction in your symptoms the same can be achieved in the long run by following the above probably quite boring but non the less effective tips when done consistently.
Looking to give your liver some love? Get in touch.